Personal Growth - Speaking Topics
Each topic is specifically designed and created by Carla McDougal.
Do you remember this "soul" song from the '70's? The chorus line goes like this, "Signed,
sealed, delivered I'm yours!" Jesus, in essence, said the same thing in His "soul" song to us.
As believers, His signature is on us forever! The moment we are signed by the Savior, we are sealed eternally by the Holy Spirit. Not only have we been delivered from a life of sin and emptiness, but we are called to deliver the message of Jesus to others. How do we as believers keep this at the forefront of our minds? This Focus Topic centers on the importance of encouraging one another to stay strong in their faith. We will have fun examining the relationship Paul had with Timothy... as a mentor, instructor, and encourager. Get ready for some "soul" searching through "Signed, Sealed, Delivered!" (Comes equipped with a Customized Skit that will keep the audience laughing)
At the Feet of Jesus is based on the scriptures in Luke 10:38-42 and John 12:1-6. As we dissect the story of Mary and Martha, we focus on feet. I know, interesting focus. However, as we progress through the evening, we examine the primary question, "Are you at the feet of Jesus, every day?" This topic gets us to the heart of examining our individual lives and priorities. It is geared for a comfortable setting and atmosphere. The laid back, informal presentation creates an opportunity for the walls that women put up to be broken down.
Why is it so easy to blame everyone else for our own sin? Have you ever got caught up playing The Blame Game and not been aware that you're a participant? In this session, we will look at God's Word to find a couple of ladies that were frontline contestants in this game, Eve and Sarah. From their examples, we will gain understanding of how important it is not to point the finger at others but to take responsibility for our own actions. Be ready for some humorous moments from Carla's own experience as a contender in The Blame Game.
“The goal of our instruction is love with a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Tim. 1:5
Why is it so difficult to love others with a pure heart? It is easy to love those who are "lovable." But, the people who are demanding, rude, prideful, selfish... these make it more difficult. In this Focus Topic we zero in on the goal... LOVE. What it means to have a pure heart, which leads to a good conscience and ultimately a sincere faith!
Are you haunted by your past? Do you feel paralyzed to move ahead in your walk with Jesus? Do you wonder how He can love you because of all the bad choices you have made in the past? Hold it right there! God is in the business of fresh, new beginnings through His grace and mercy. You will leave this session excited to surrender it all to Jesus and let Him use Your Story, For His Glory!
Ever wonder why and how your thoughts get so off track? I know I do! "Help - My Mind Won't Quit" focuses on the life of Elijah and his experiences with exhaustion and fatigue from "doing God's work." Join us as we learn to change our thought life to a prayer life!
What does it mean to Reflect Grace? What is the meaning of Grace anyway? This topic focuses on the heart of God's grace as we look at the conflict between Sarah and Hagar. Oh, God's unconditional love is never-ending. Learn basic techniques on how to pass this same love and forgiveness on to others.
Ever feel like your life is stuck on pause, and there is nothing you can do about it? Why does God allow these times in our lives? How are you to respond to discouraging circumstances that you would rather 'fast forward' to the next scene in your life? Come join us as we look at these compelling issues through the lives of Sarah and Rachel.
Conflict resolution… A topic many choose to ignore. What do you do with hurt feelings, unmet expectations and conflict that can arise in relationships? What does God’s Word say about resolving conflict? Facing the giants of hurt, pain, and forgiveness is difficult, yet necessary. This session opens the pathway to understanding ways to tackle these areas in life. Based on Sarah and Hagar.
Silence. Why is it so difficult? Silence. Sometimes in the stillness, God is doing His greatest work. In this session, Carla presents three biblical steps to apply while in the silence… Pray, Trust, Praise. Based on Psalm 38:15.
Sometimes do you feel as if you are drowning in life? Possibly the undertow of a situation or circumstance seems like too much for you. Jesus is our lifeline. Surrendering to Him daily is the key. Based on the life of Elijah.
Why does God allow obstacles, hindrances, and oppositions in our lives? Are you in the midst of a discouraging time? Why can negative thoughts hold us captive and fear paralyze us? God gives us a way to break free from these chains. Joshua 1 gives us a biblical model for how to handle discouraging moments in life. Based on Isaiah 65:24.